Happiness At Work: Get A Big Boost From Small Frequent Pleasures

The Challenge: We get used to what we have and start taking it for granted–so we’re less happy.  The Science: New research suggests we can prolong happy experiences, even at work.The Solution: The trick lies in small, frequent pleasures. One of the more distressing facts about human nature is that we are not particularly good at staying happy […]

Interview With Akshay Nanavati + Exclusive Book Excerpt

Akshay Nanavati is a Marine Corps veteran, adventurer, and entrepreneur. After overcoming drug addiction, a diagnosis of PTSD after the war in Iraq, and a battle with alcohol that pushed him to the brink of suicide, Akshay has since explored the most hostile environments on the planet and built a global business helping people live […]

7 Science-Backed Reasons Why Laughing Is So Good For You

The Challenge: Some days can get so tough that we forget to laugh.The Science: Research finds that laughter has surprising benefits for our well-being.The Solution: Find opportunities to laugh out loud every day!  I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose. ~Woody Allen Everyone enjoys a good laugh, but who actually makes time for it in […]

5 Ways Finally To Stop Negative Thinking

The Challenge: Negative thinking can limit our potential and stand in the way of our goals. The Science: The human brain has evolved to focus on anything stressful, making us all the more vigilant when it comes to negative stimuli.  The Solution: Simple strategies such as identifying negative thoughts and meditating can weaken the power of negative thinking. […]

3 Effective Ways To Combat Anxiety

The Challenge: Life can make us anxious, and we don’t know what to do.The Science: Research shows there are ways to work yourself out of that state.The Solution: Apply these 3 techniques anytime to help relieve you of stress. Have you ever been so stressed you forgot your exit, spilled coffee on yourself, or stuttered? Have you ever […]

Why You Should Step Away From Work And Onto A Yoga Mat

The Challenge: Stress, injury, and illness keep us out of work or make it difficult for us to concentrate on the task at hand.The Science: Practicing yoga has been shown to help manage physical and psychological symptoms.The Solution: Integrate yoga into your day with these helpful resources to boost your health and happiness! I have five minutes before […]

13 Ways Thanksgiving Seriously Boosts Your Health

The Challenge: Thanksgiving can feel like an over-indulgence or even stressful.The Science: Researchers have found that Thanksgiving is extraordinarily healthful!The Solution: Here are 13 ways Thanksgiving can significantly boost your health & happiness! Thanksgiving and the holidays come along – for some, it involves stressful family times or travel; for others, it’s a time of celebration; for others, […]

New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy

The Problem: Everyone has an opinion about how to become more happy. The Science: Scientists who study the brain have something to say you haven’t heard before! The Solution: Here’s a snip-it of an Eric Barker original post: Read until the end to find out how you can get more! You get all kinds of happiness advice on […]

Boost Your Relationship Bliss With One Simple Trick

The Problem: Over time, the “love of our life” starts to lose his (or her) charm (and even become annoying).The Science: Gratitude is an antidote to this phenomenon!The Solution: A simple 3-minute gratitude exercise can help your relationship thrive! Gratitude or How to Make Your Relationship Thrive Anyone who has been in a long-term relationship can start to […]

3 Secrets To Happiness That Don’t Require Money

The Problem: We seem to think that money can buy us happiness. The Science: Satisfaction from hedonic spending and consumption is fleeting. The Solution: Give more (of anything!) to others. In this time and age, money seems to have an influence on every aspect of our lives. Social media is full of ads for shopping hauls, shiny new […]