The 20-Second Rule To Ending Procrastination

The Problem: Why do we procrastinate instead of getting things done?The Science: Our mind is highly distractable, but there is an answer!Solution: With the 20-Second Rule, you’ll get things done, done right, and done now! In his book The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor, the lecturer of a popular course on happiness at Harvard, tells us how he wanted to […]

5 Healthy Life Hacks That Will Instantly Boost Your Mood

The Challenge: Sometimes, the grind of life can make us feel worn out.The Science: There are small ways to tap into your body to help you feel energized.The Solution: Try these 5 hacks to boost your mood! Feeling not-so-swell at the moment? No need to wait it out! With these simple, science-backed tweaks to your daily routine, you’ll feel […]

The Profound Benefits Of Love At Work

The Challenge: Our work life can be extremely stressful. We often blame ourselves.The Science: Harsh workplaces damage our health and productivity. A loving one does the opposite!The Solution: Love in the workplace? Sounds crazy! But data says it leads to health and success! What’s love got to do with it?” Tina Turner made the question famously seductive. For many, […]

5 Ways Office Design Can Boost Productivity

The Challenge: Boring furniture makes us feel lazy The Science: Research links furniture choice with productivity levels The Solution: Here are five reasons why the right furniture can increase your productivity levels! Procrastination. Laziness. Idle dawdling. Guilty pleasures we desperately try to get rid of but for some reason, we just can’t. They plague our daily lives, making […]

How You Lose Your Willpower, And How To Strengthen It Today!

The Challenge: When we’re stressed, we lose our willpower, give in to temptation, and do things we later regret.What Science Says: Instead of reacting in “fight-or-flight” mode, we can deal with stress through “pause-and-plan.”Take-Home Message: Through breathing, you can actually regain control and strengthen your willpower! Suddenly, you stare directly into the eyes of a 500-pound lion. Upon seeing such a beast, […]

How To Conquer Self-Criticism For Greater Happiness

The Challenge: We expect ourselves to be perfect and we get down on ourselves when we’re not.The Science: Self-criticism actually makes us feel and perform even worse.The Solution: The astonishing science of self-compassion shows that it boosts our well-being and success! Are you highly self-critical? Do you beat yourself up over failures? Do you work too much and […]

4 Ways To Control Your Mood With Nothing But A Pen

The Challenge: We all want to feel good, but sometimes it’s a challenge.The Science: Grabbing a pen and writing may be the fastest and easiest way to do so!The Solution: Try these unique writing exercises to make a huge difference in your day. “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is […]

6 Ways Your Living Space Affects Your Happiness

The Challenge: Our living environment can greatly impact our mood.The Science: We can make specific living space choices that boost our happiness.The Solution: Try these 6 tips to make your home a place you can feel at home in! There’s no greater feeling than walking through the front door of your home after a long day. However, did […]

Stop Fretting And Regretting: 5 Mind-Hacks To Stay Present

The Challenge: Our minds are constantly wandering and sometimes hard to quiet down.The Science: Research shows that a wandering mind can negatively impact our productivity and mood.The Solution: Train your mind to stay in the present moment to become happier and more focused! Have you ever sat down to get work done and looked up half an […]

Why The Greatest Key To Successful Leadership Is Mindfulness

The Challenge: Leaders are too busy to prioritize conversations with others.The Science: Stress, busyness, and results orientation make leaders less effective.The Solution:  Mindfulness gives leaders the edge they need to succeed. Leaders in organizations are often running full tilt from meeting to meeting, phone call to phone call, and personal conversation to personal conversation. In working with senior […]