Why You Should Step Away From Work And Onto A Yoga Mat

The Challenge: Stress, injury, and illness keep us out of work or make it difficult for us to concentrate on the task at hand.The Science: Practicing yoga has been shown to help manage physical and psychological symptoms.The Solution: Integrate yoga into your day with these helpful resources to boost your health and happiness! I have five minutes before […]

How To Silence Your Inner Critic For Good

The Challenge:  Self-criticism lowers self-esteem and diminishes success.The Science:  Women are more judgmental about their looks, mistakes, and relationships than men.The Solution:  Here’s how to get rid of “The Bitch” in your head. After spending years researching my new book, The Bitch in Your Head: How to Finally Squash Your Inner Critic, I found out what […]

A Simple Strategy To Be The Most Authentic Version Of Yourself

The Challenge: Sometimes, the phrase, “Just be yourself,” leaves us feeling stuck.The Science: We grow by stretching beyond what we consider our core selves.The Solution: Act as if you already have the qualities you want to develop in yourself. We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend […]

The Simple Habit That Can Cure Chronic Headaches For Good

The Challenge: Many US Americans suffer from migraines, which means lost workdays, missed social activities, etc.The Science: Research shows that regular meditation practice can reduce migraine frequency intensity and prevent them from recurring.The Solution: Implement a short, daily meditation practice and ditch your Rx for good! Often caused by genes or stress, migraines are so common that US […]

Breaking News: How The Morning News Affects Our Wellbeing

The Challenge: Especially in the past few months, we have been inundated with tragedy and conflict on the news. The Science: Research shows that watching the news has an effect on how we approach our lives and our well-being.The Solution: For healthy news-watching, start your day off by not turning on the news. A defining feature of our round-the-clock […]

One Surprisingly Easy Way To Get Through Hard Times

The Challenge: Life is challenging, and we don’t always know how to deal with it.The Science: Writing and journaling can help you cope, develop new perspectives, and neutralize the intensity of some emotions.The Solution: Try these writing tips for greater well-being and insight. Last summer I was involved in a freak rope swing accident. I broke multiple bones […]

4 Ways To Control Your Mood With Nothing But A Pen

The Challenge: We all want to feel good, but sometimes it’s a challenge.The Science: Grabbing a pen and writing may be the fastest and easiest way to do so!The Solution: Try these unique writing exercises to make a huge difference in your day. “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is […]

6 Ways Your Living Space Affects Your Happiness

The Challenge: Our living environment can greatly impact our mood.The Science: We can make specific living space choices that boost our happiness.The Solution: Try these 6 tips to make your home a place you can feel at home in! There’s no greater feeling than walking through the front door of your home after a long day. However, did […]

A Simple Trick To Regain Your Cool When You’ve Lost It

The Challenge: Sometimes we get all fired up with anger or frustration.The Science:  Using the breath and the “self-distancing” strategy can help us quickly regain our cool.The Solution: Try these powerful techniques the next time you’re in a “hot” situation. Whether it is Mel Gibson ranting when stopped by the police, Alec Baldwin assaulting paparazzi, or Chris Brown getting into bar brawls, being a celebrity […]

Here’s Why Decluttering Will Make You Happier

The Challenge: We often don’t have enough time to clean up messy spacesThe Science: Clean, organized spaces reduce stress and increase productivityThe Solution: Set aside small amounts of time each day to clean and organize. Cleaning is not something that most of us enjoy or associate with happiness, but studies are increasingly showing that it […]