How To Stay Sane On Social Media In 3 Simple Steps

The Problem: Social media is omnipresent in our society but is not really representative of reality. The Science: Research has shown that social media can harm your well-being if you take it too seriously. The Solution: Re-evaluate your relationships with your social media accounts with these 3 tips! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…pick your poison. All of these sites have […]

Want Long-Term Happiness? Make Sure You’re Looking In The Right Place!

The Challenge: We’re all looking for happiness – but why are we not happy?The Science: The secret to long-term fulfillment lies in seeking the right type of happiness.The Solution: Including eudaimonic happiness in our lives will ensure long-lasting well-being. What’s the best way to reach happiness? Many of us have no clue. In fact, we may not often experience happiness […]

Top 10 Articles Of Fulfillment Daily’s First Year

Fulfillment Daily is proud to announce that it has been one year since we launched our online magazine! To celebrate, here are the top 10 articles of our first year, which include the most viewed articles and favorites of our readers and editors. Enjoy! 1. Can’t Meditate? Here’s Why You Should Try Art! by Maia Gambis We all […]

How To Find Inner Inspiration From Your Childhood Memories

The Challenge: At low points in our lives, we lose morale and inspiration. The Science: Childhood memories re-inspire us. The Solution: Conscious recreation of our childhood memories can bring us back on the right track. Do you remember waking up in the morning as a child and just being excited to be alive? At every […]

20 Science-Based Reasons To Make Meditation Your New Year’s Resolution

The Challenge: Stress, work, and life challenges can get the best of us.The Science: Research shows that meditation is linked to a host of benefits, from happiness to health!The Solution: Meditate to feel calmer, happier, healthier, more productive, and more in charge. Are you trying to find a New Year’s Resolution that’s really worth it? How about one […]

40 Simple & Effective Tips To Find Joy Every Day

The Challenge: We get so busy we forget how to access joy.The Science: Research shows there are countless ways to make a difference in our days!The Solution: Here are 40 simple tips to help bring the bounce back in your step. Joy is what makes life beautiful. It’s what gets us through challenges and allows light to illuminate […]

5 Ways To Use Gratitude To Improve Your Attitude (And Health!)

The Challenge: Sometimes, we get stuck focusing on what’s wrong or what we’re missing, overlooking all that we do have that makes life great.The Science: Feelings of gratitude increase physical and mental well-being.The Solution: Boost your happiness and health by using these strategies to experience more gratitude in your daily life! In our fast-paced, competitive culture, we tend […]

6 Reasons To Stop Saying You’re ‘Busy’

The Challenge: Everyone always complains about how ‘busy’ they are!The Science: We’re actually happier when we have a lot going on, but using the word ‘busy’ may make us less connected and happy.The Solution: Cut ‘busy’ from your vocabulary and you may already feel less stressed! A study in the Journal of Psychological Science shows that we’re much happier […]

How To Be Free From The Fire Of Desire

The Challenge: We’re caught in the fire of desire: food, sex, money…and we get caught in addiction.The Science: Desire is an incredibly powerful physiological phenomenon, yet it can also burn us out.The Solution: Follow 4 simple tips to enjoy desire and pleasure without getting caught in their frenzy! Why do we love the chase? What is so intriguingly […]

3 Reasons Why The Greatest Gift You Can Give Others…Is To Be Happy

The Challenge: We often feel like we don’t deserve to be happy or that being happy is selfish.The Science: Research shows that your happiness spreads to others and brings out the best in you.The Solution: Investing in your own fulfillment is one of the greatest gifts you can give to others! Happiness – it’s an inalienable right; it’s […]