7 Mindfulness Strategies To Manage Negative Thoughts And Emotions

The Challenge: Negative thoughts and emotions are disruptiveThe Science: Mindfulness practices help regulate our thoughts and emotions productivelyThe Solution: 7 Mindfulness strategies to help manage negative thoughts and emotions Mindfulness, a practice deeply rooted in the quest for inner peace, is a powerful tool for individuals grappling with the whirlwind of negative thoughts and emotions […]

Too Much On Your Plate? How Coloring Mandalas Can Create Balance In Your Life

The Challenge: Our fast-paced lives leave us feeling stressed and anxious, even when the workday is over.The Science: Coloring mandalas is a simple technique to ground us at the moment, de-clutter our minds, and soothe our stress.The Solution: Make time in your daily schedule to ditch your cell phone and color. Life is stressful. Many of us are […]

4 Science-Based Secrets To Getting Lucky

The Challenge: Luck can play a huge role in our everyday lives.The Science: There are four simple ways to attract good fortune.The Solution: Learn how to boost your luck – it’s in your own hands! Do you consider yourself a superstitious person? Do you carry around a rabbit’s foot or have a lucky pair of socks that you are […]

10 Simple Habits to Grow a Positive Attitude

The Challenge: Having a negative attitude keeps us from being happy and impacts the people we interact with.The Science: Science tells us that having a positive attitude has a direct connection with happiness and success.The Solution: Make positivity a habit by making these small adjustments to your daily life and mindset! Our life is a reflection of our attitude. […]