How To Be As Happy As You Appear On Facebook

The Challenge: We love social media (e.g., Facebook), but sometimes it can make us feel like crap (not as beautiful/successful/loved as our friends).The Science: Consistent Facebook use may actually lead to greater unhappiness.The Solution: Here’s a trick for enjoying social media without getting the blues! Until recently, I’ve always worked a job that involved social media. While managing […]

One Surprisingly Easy Way To Get Through Hard Times

The Challenge: Life is challenging, and we don’t always know how to deal with it.The Science: Writing and journaling can help you cope, develop new perspectives, and neutralize the intensity of some emotions.The Solution: Try these writing tips for greater well-being and insight. Last summer I was involved in a freak rope swing accident. I broke multiple bones […]

5 Healthy Ways To Deal With Loneliness After A Breakup

The Challenge: Breakups are hard. How do you deal with the inevitable feelings of loneliness?The Science: We can find ways to be happy AND alone – the key to surviving any breakup.The Solution: Here are 5 ways to find daily happiness after a breakup. So, I recently went through a breakup. Yes, it is hard. Yes, I still get sad. Yes, I […]