The Best Kept Secret To Peace Of Mind

The Challenge: We don’t know how to deal with everyday stress, emotions, and triggers.The Science: The breath can actually change how we feel.The Solution: If we learn to use the breath, we can access peace of mind at any moment. We’ve all been in situations where we are upset – angry, anxious, jealous, you name it – and […]

How Trauma Can Actually Help You And Others

The Challenge: When we go through trauma, we might feel like the damage will last forever. The Science: Trauma can actually help us grow and in turn help others with similar tragedies. The Solution: Embrace all your experiences as you propel yourself into even better ones. At one point or another in our lives, we […]

Breaking News: How The Morning News Affects Our Wellbeing

The Challenge: Especially in the past few months, we have been inundated with tragedy and conflict on the news. The Science: Research shows that watching the news has an effect on how we approach our lives and our well-being.The Solution: For healthy news-watching, start your day off by not turning on the news. A defining feature of our round-the-clock […]