Breaking News: How The Morning News Affects Our Wellbeing

The Challenge: Especially in the past few months, we have been inundated with tragedy and conflict on the news. The Science: Research shows that watching the news has an effect on how we approach our lives and our well-being.The Solution: For healthy news-watching, start your day off by not turning on the news. A defining feature of our round-the-clock […]

4 Ways To Control Your Mood With Nothing But A Pen

The Challenge: We all want to feel good, but sometimes it’s a challenge.The Science: Grabbing a pen and writing may be the fastest and easiest way to do so!The Solution: Try these unique writing exercises to make a huge difference in your day. “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is […]

5 Easy Ways To Make A Difference In Less Than 5 Minutes

The Challenge: We want to make a difference, but we just don’t have time!The Science: Making a difference is not just good for others. It’s incredibly good for us too!The Solution: Here are 5 easy ways to make a difference from your desk in under 5 minutes! We know that making a difference and helping others makes us […]

6 Ways Your Living Space Affects Your Happiness

The Challenge: Our living environment can greatly impact our mood.The Science: We can make specific living space choices that boost our happiness.The Solution: Try these 6 tips to make your home a place you can feel at home in! There’s no greater feeling than walking through the front door of your home after a long day. However, did […]

3 Surefire Methods To Boost Your Happiness This Holiday Season

The Challenge: Why aren’t we happier, even if we have so much stuff and get so many gifts?The Science: Science suggests that we’re not spending our resources on the right things.The Solution: Try these 3 surefire methods to use to “get your happy on” this holiday season! I grew up in a happy family. We had more than enough of the […]

How Jay-Z, Timberlake (& You!) Can Find The Holy Grail Of Happiness

The Challenge: Why are Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake dissatisfied despite their success?The Science: All the money and fame isn’t going to make you happy!The Solution: Find your Holy Grail of true, lasting happiness from these 3 sources. In one of the biggest hits of 2013, Justin Timberlake wails: “And baby, it’s amazing I’m in this maze with you. I […]

Stop Fretting And Regretting: 5 Mind-Hacks To Stay Present

The Challenge: Our minds are constantly wandering and sometimes hard to quiet down.The Science: Research shows that a wandering mind can negatively impact our productivity and mood.The Solution: Train your mind to stay in the present moment to become happier and more focused! Have you ever sat down to get work done and looked up half an […]

Here’s Why Decluttering Will Make You Happier

The Challenge: We often don’t have enough time to clean up messy spacesThe Science: Clean, organized spaces reduce stress and increase productivityThe Solution: Set aside small amounts of time each day to clean and organize. Cleaning is not something that most of us enjoy or associate with happiness, but studies are increasingly showing that it […]

Want To Be As Happy As The Danes? Find 3 Ways Here!

The Challenge: We all want more happiness but are we limiting ourselves by looking for an American brand of happiness?The Science: Denmark has been voted as one of the happiest countries in the world for over forty years in a row. What’s their secret?The Solution: Find 3 tips for being happy like a Dane. Denmark, a small country […]

4 Science-Backed Tips To Keeping Long-Term Love Alive

The Challenge: Romantic relationships can lose their luster with time.The Science: But not always! Science shows how a couple of key elements can keep long-term love alive.The Solution: Follow these 4 tips to keep your relationship thriving! Many people believe that, over time, the quality of their relationship will inevitably decline, that their chemistry will turn to complacency […]