How To Silence Your Inner Critic For Good

The Challenge:  Self-criticism lowers self-esteem and diminishes success.The Science:  Women are more judgmental about their looks, mistakes, and relationships than men.The Solution:  Here’s how to get rid of “The Bitch” in your head. After spending years researching my new book, The Bitch in Your Head: How to Finally Squash Your Inner Critic, I found out what […]

How To Be As Happy As You Appear On Facebook

The Challenge: We love social media (e.g., Facebook), but sometimes it can make us feel like crap (not as beautiful/successful/loved as our friends).The Science: Consistent Facebook use may actually lead to greater unhappiness.The Solution: Here’s a trick for enjoying social media without getting the blues! Until recently, I’ve always worked a job that involved social media. While managing […]

Why You Shouldn’t Set Goals For Success

The Challenge: Most people don’t achieve the goals they set for themselves.The Science: Research has shown that setting overly ambitious goals can have negative consequences.The Solution: Focus on intentions, positive habits, and process goals for success!  Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, was quoted as saying, “Goals are for losers—goal-oriented people exist in a state of nearly continuous failure that […]

6 Tech Tips To Avoid The Facebook Funk

The Challenge: We love tech and social media, but sometimes it makes us feel blue.The Science: Research suggests there are 6 major ways in which this happens.The Solution: Avoid these 6 tech traps to ensure that you can use technology AND maintain your bliss! Does texting or using Facebook and Twitter to connect with others make you feel […]

The #1 Secret To An Amazing Relationship

The Challenge: Everyone wants an amazing relationship.The Science: Surprisingly, a lack of alone time is the partners’ greatest complaint.The Solution: Here’s how to thrive together by spending time apart. Do you think the more time you spend with your partner, the better your relationship will be? You may be wrong.  Unexpectedly, the biggest complaint of relationship partners is a […]

6 Ways Writing Can Lead To Happiness & Success

The Challenge: Writing is often perceived as being an exhausting and time-consuming exercise with little reward: ever struggle to find the right word or craft the perfect sentence? The Science: Research has shown that writing can actually help us cope with negative feelings and think with greater breadth and clarity. The Solution: Get into a routine of writing […]

How To Make Things Instantly Better (In 30 Milliseconds Or Less)

The Challenge: When we’re in an argument or unhappy environment, we want to make things better but don’t know how!The Science: Humans respond physiologically and psychologically to facial expressions.The Solution: Your facial expressions (smiling!) can literally change the world around you. It happens.  You’re feeling down and need a quick pick-me-up.  Or maybe you’ve found yourself in a […]

8 Quick Ways To Replenish Yourself At Work

The Challenge: Maintaining a high energy level over the workday is of key importance for success.The Science: Research studies show that many people employ dysfunctional strategies to recharge their batteries.The Solution: Check out these 8 strategies for replenishment that actually work. Most of us know these days: You´re rushing from one meeting to another, squeezing […]

5 Healthy Life Hacks That Will Instantly Boost Your Mood

The Challenge: Sometimes, the grind of life can make us feel worn out.The Science: There are small ways to tap into your body to help you feel energized.The Solution: Try these 5 hacks to boost your mood! Feeling not-so-swell at the moment? No need to wait it out! With these simple, science-backed tweaks to your daily routine, you’ll feel […]

The Hidden Energy Of Meaningful Connection At Work

The Challenge: Workplaces have become a place of transaction devoid of human moments. The Science: Brief, meaningful moments of connection significantly improve the culture. The Solution:  Making room for compassion and vulnerability at work boosts productivity. Which of the following best describes your situation? My job is… a)   Rewarding b)   Okay c)   Slowly crushing my soul […]