How To Stick To A Resolution For Good
The Challenge: You can’t stick to resolutions (diets, exercise regiments, a book project) you know would make you happier.The Science: You CAN make a change and transform your habits!The Solution Follow this one snappy formula and reap huge benefits. Research shows that 50-60% of individual happiness is determined by biological factors and our life circumstances. At first, […]
A Little-Known Secret Of Highly Successful People
The Challenge: When we fail, we often beat ourselves up… But is this effective?The Science: Actually, self-forgiveness may make you much more successful!The Solution: Learn the 3 key elements for capitalizing on failure in order to succeed! When we fail at something, the natural reaction for most of us is to punish ourselves for our slacking. When we […]
What’s In The Secret Sauce: The Habits Of Highly Successful People
The Problem: The Top Dogs in the world seem to have it all and won’t share their secrets. The Science: The daily decisions highly successful people make are actually backed by science. The Solution: Learn what ultra-productive and creative people do every day to maintain their success! Ever wonder what separates champions from almost champions? CEOs from associates? […]
The 20-Second Rule To Ending Procrastination
The Problem: Why do we procrastinate instead of getting things done?The Science: Our mind is highly distractable, but there is an answer!Solution: With the 20-Second Rule, you’ll get things done, done right, and done now! In his book The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor, the lecturer of a popular course on happiness at Harvard, tells us how he wanted to […]